B. R. Ambedkar

Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar (Marathi: डॉ.भीमराव रामजी आंबेडकर (14 April 1891 — 6 December 1956), also known as Babasaheb, was an Indian jurist, political leader, Buddhist activist, philosopher, thinker, anthropologist, historian, orator, prolific writer, economist, scholar, editor, revolutionary and a revivalist for Buddhism in India. He was also the chief architect of the Indian Constitution. Born […]

Rajendra Prasad

Dr. Rajendra Prasad (Hindi: डा॰ राजेन्द्र प्रसाद) (3 December 1884 – 28 February 1963) was the youngest son of Mahadev Sahay from the village Ziradei, then the Saran district of Bihar. Dr. Prasad is considered to be one of the architects of the Indian Republic, having drafted its first constitution and serving as the first […]

Bidhan Chandra Roy

Bidhan Chandra Roy, MRCP, FRCS (Bengali: বিধান চন্দ্র রায়) (July 1, 1882 Bankipore in Patna, Bihar – July 1, 1962) was the second Chief Minister of West Bengal, India. He remained in his post for 14 years as a Congress Party candidate, from January 14, 1948 until his death in 1962. He was a respected […]

Dr. Dhondo Keshav Karve

Maharshi Dr. Dhondo Keshav Karve (April 18, 1858 – November 9, 1962) was a preeminent social reformer of his time in India in the field of women’s welfare. Karve was one of the pioneers of promoting women’s education and the right for widows to remarry in India. The Government of India recognized his reform work […]