Govind Ballabh Pant

…he helped a local parishad, or village council, in their successful challenge of a law requiring locals to provide free transportation of the luggage of travelling British officials. In 1921,…

B. R. Ambedkar

…all-European Simon Commission in 1925. This commission had sparked great protests across India, and while its report was ignored by most Indians, Ambedkar himself wrote a separate set of recommendations…

Hawa Mahal Jaipur

…for several years, since the unusually designed window screens provided the needed cool breeze. The Mahal, called as the “specimen of fanciful architecture”, is located to the north of the…

Lance Naik Karam Singh

…shelling. Communications with his commander was also cut off, hence Karam Singh was unable to update his situation or ask for reinforcements. Although wounded, he brought back two injured comrades…